April 22, 2012

Between the streets, there are some abandoned places with a special attraction. I made a short excursion to them and try to catch the depressing atmosphere. In the woods or on an old junkyard, the decision between color and b/w film let me change the filmholders from the Mamiya a few times.

Naturally, there are not much people around this places, so I had enough time to walk around undisturbed. Watching closely and listening intently, an own surreal world come true. You can dive in it, stay for a while and when you go home, you cross the border to the “normal” world with a feeling that you just had a strange dream.

Like the storys of Edgar Allan Poe, the place get’s in you and stay in your mind. And sometimes, when you visit it again, it awaits you with a subtly smile.

An old fishfarm. Color pics are made with Kodak Portra 400.

Great plus of the Mamiya: you can change the filmpack. Which one is your favorite?

Old industry.

Back to the streets.

Photomarket in Burgdorf.

The caves near Burgdorf.

I just said that I would never take a sit on that creepy one…

…and what he did?

A waterfall of trees.

Public society.

Sometimes, it’s a dangerous job.

Sandrine and me visited a live performance of “The hair-raising cases of Philip Maloney”, a radio play. If you understand the german language, you have to know it. The dialogues between private investigator Maloney and the confused Policemen are legendary.

Waiting for the train after the show.

Grand prix des bureaux.

Put away the vegetable market.

On the way to Locarno.

Poor weather. It was raining all the time.

Anyway, I took the Rollei with colorfilm, because I know Locarno a bit and I wanted to play with the colors.

The funicular up to Madonna del Sasso.

If you walk down on the right side of the monastery, you can see the stations of the cross in this white shrines. I didn’t took a pic of the church, because they do restauration work, not very exciting.

This is my “I’m so concentrated that my blood pressure is blasting my head away” face.

We want to have the breakfast for one time in the hotelroom. Just for the fun of it.

Quick little lizard.

At all, I was waiting about an hour to made a pic of this tree. This was the only satisfying moment.

Hello friendo…

Good night.

I think I made some cool shots. Sure, not all subjects are thrilling. But otherwise, I just can catch what I see. I try to getting closer next time.


  1. Hat sich schon wieder gelohnt hier vorbeizuschauen. Auch wenn mir das Faxgerät erneut ein paar Probleme gemacht hat ;).

    Besonders gelungen finde ich auf jeden Fall das dritte, das mit dem kahlen Baum zwischen altem Haus und gepflasterter Straße (?) sowie nahezu die komplette Strecke aus Locarno. Und das mit den Radfahrern ist klasse.

    Was Farbe vs B/W angeht – hab mir beide eine Weile angesehen, komme aber zu keinem Ergebnis. Vom ersten Gefühl her tendiere ich aber zur Farbaufnahme.

  2. Wow, wieder supergute Bilder, macht viel Spaß hier rumzulungern. Bin ja eigentlich Verfechter von BW-Fotos, aber die Farbaufnahmen hier sind wirklich ganz toll. Gerade bei den Ersten kommt die Stimmung supergut rüber durch diese leicht blasse Tonung. Gefällt mir sehr sehr gut.

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